Holiday Festivities!

Hi Friends and Family! As I'm sure most of you have heard, I am pregnant with our 3rd child! And pregnancies don't come easy for me :( I have been sick, sick, sick and unable to provide you with some new and exciting projects. If all goes well after baby is born in February, I hope to resume to my workshops by Spring 2013.

You can browse through my past workshops and see if there is something that you are interested in at this time but I can't guarantee anything. I have specific instructions from doc to take it easy since we have a little issue with the positioning of my placenta.  I do have a few things prepped from previous years so you may be in luck! Just shoot me an email and I will get back to you! -

If I don't see you or hear from you, please have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season!


Happy NEW YEAR!!!

Welcome 2012!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and the start of a great New Year!

Unfortunatley, I will not be holding a workshop at this time :( I don't want to get too wordy and personal, but just know that I am working towards improving and serving you better. Although I am not doing a workshop, I will still be taking your personal orders.
CHECK OUT the NEW Valentine Subway Art Available NOW!
If there are previous projects or custom projects that you are interested in, just email me your orders. I will fulfill orders as I receive them. You can view past projects on my "WORKSHOP" link (to the right) and click on any of the "Past Projects" you would like to see.

Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks for your support and have a great Valentine's Day!